Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița had a first working meeting with the team of EU High Level Advisers, with the participation of the EU Ambassador to Chisinau, Janis Mazeiks. The priorities of the Government, deriving from the commitments assumed in the EU-Moldova Association Agreement, were the main topic of the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Prime Minister Gavrilița reconfirmed the Government’s determination to continue the European path and, in this context, appreciated the support provided by the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, through the development programmes it finances, including expertise and technical assistance provided in order to strengthen the administrative capacity in our country.

In his turn, Ambassador Mazeiks mentioned that the EU High Level Advisers Mission is an important coopertion mechanism between the EU and the Republic of Moldova and encouraged public institutions to make full use of the expertise provided. “The European Union is ready to provide support to the Government for long-term strategies, but also to deliver immediate results that will improve the lives of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,” the official said.

Currently, the Republic of Moldova benefits from the support of twelve High Level Advisers, in areas such as: anti-money laundering and assets recovery; education and research; energy; green transition; justice and prosecution; confidence-building measures; local public administration reform, including decentralization and voluntary amalgamation; financial services; customs and tax policy, strategic coordination and European affairs, internal security affairs.

Each Adviser took stock of the current situation in their sector, and presented specific proposals to accelerate the reforms in the key areas of the Association Agreement.

The Head of the Government expressed her openness to the proposals of the EU HLAs team, expressing gratitude for the continuous support provided to our country by the European Union, including through this valuable tool of high-level expertise.

Note: The European Union High Level Advisers’ Mission is a team of senior experts from EU member states whose overall objective is to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova to implement its reform Agenda; in particular, to assist in developing the capacities required for the implementation of the Association Agreement (AA), including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), as well as to ensure the necessary follow-up for the post – visa liberalisation stage.