A new EU High Level Adviser has recently started his assignment in the Republic of Moldova. Nicolae Grigore takes over the position of High Level Adviser for the Financial Services sector.

Having served in the National Bank of Romania, and with over 20 years of experience in prudential and Anti-Money Laundering supervision, Nicolae was actively involved in the process of cooperation with the international bodies responsible for the regulation and supervision of the financial sector, being a member of various supervisory colleges, working groups and committees of international financial institutions.
Additionally, in the last couple of years, he provided, as Senior EU Mid-Term Expert on Banking Supervision, support to the National Bank of Moldova on implementation of international standards and best practices in the field of banking supervision and in developing the capacities required for the elaboration of the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process, according with the best practices and supervisory standards in the European Union.

With the recent member of the team, EU HLA Mission in Moldova reached the number of 13 advisers providing policy advice to key public institutions.