In the period 12 – 18 July, the young people enrolled in the joint Internship programme of the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Moldova continued the series of information sessions with topics on reforms coordination with the EU High Level Adviser on Reforms Coordination Dragos Ciuparu; the basis of the European Union – with Senior Adviser to the Prime Minister Vincent Piket; and on reforming a large system – with the EU High Level Adviser on Education and Research Daniel Funeriu.

On all occasions, interns listened to engaging presentations and had the opportunity to address questions to lectors.

Throughout the duration of the Programme, in addition to the work in which they are involved every day, the interns participate in a series of seminars, trainings, joint workshops which are meant to strengthen both the theoretical and practical knowledge.

Every month, the young people enrolled in the internship program receive a scholarship financed 100% by the European Union.