Over 60 stakeholders from public authorities, National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova, National Confederation of Employers, as well as national and international labour legislation experts, development partners and business environment took part in the seminar “Reform of the Labour Legislation”, organised by European Union High Level Advisers’ Mission to the Republic of Moldova in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection.
Opening the event, Minister of Health, Labour and Social Protection Stela Grigoraș mentioned that importance of approximation of the national legislation to the EU Directives in order to ensure social security; as well as that of improving labour legislation, aiming at ensuring the respect of the rights and legitimate interests of both parties in labour relations.
The representative of the EU Delegation, Fabien Schaeffer (Programme officer), highlighted the importance of Labour legislation reform for improving the attractiveness of the Moldovan Labour market and the need to ensure a high level of social dialogue lead by the principle of compromise for the benefit of all and employers and employees.
According to Nijole Mackeviciene, EU High Level Adviser in the field of Employment Policies, Association Agreement seeks to promote cooperation over a large part of EU labour law and related conditions of work, much of which is closely related to the content of the International Labour Organisation conventions that Moldova has already ratified pointing the need for labour market reforms, at the same time ensuring fairness for those in and out of work, proper responsibilities for employers, education and training reforms and removing barriers to employment.
The discussions focused on the current situation of labour legislation in the Republic of Moldova considering recent amendments to the Labour Code. Participants to the seminar had the possibility to learn from the Lithuanian experience in the field of labour legislation, the role of social partners in the process of design and implementation of labour legislation, regulation of labour contracts and other aspects of Labour Code, as well as the role of State Labour Inspectorate in implementing the provisions of Labour legislation.