EU High-Level Advisers’ Mission to the Republic of Moldova in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry organized today the round table “Improving working opportunities and living standards in rural areas in Moldova. Rural development ahead”. More than 80 national and international participants, representatives of public administration, scientific and research institutions, and associations of agricultural producers joined the event.
In his welcome speech, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Iurie Uşurelu mentioned that farmers have various instruments to benefit from in order to implement development projects in rural areas and make them successful. At the same time, he expressed gratitude for the offered support.
Iva Stamenova, Project Manager at EU Delegation, mentioned that rural development policy is a complex issue, being closely related to several areas, and the EU provides support both through the ENPARD funds as well as through strategic advice via the EU High-Level Advisers’ Mission to the Republic of Moldova.
Snezhana Blagoeva, High-Level Adviser in the field of Rural Development and Agriculture mentioned the importance of developing rural development policie in order to fully take advantage of their potential: “Rural areas meet greater challenges than urban areas but at the same time have a great potential in terms of natural resources, cultural heritage and business opportunities.”
Round table discussion focused on topics such as EU rural development policy and its role for development of rural areas and agriculture, the key priorities of the Program for development of rural areas, the experience of EU Member States already implementing rural development programs, the economic dimensions for development of rural areas and agriculture in Moldova etc.