Institution:Prime-Minister’s Office
Pawel Wojtunik is the former Head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau in Poland (2009-2015) which is an independent special service responsible for preventing and fighting corruption as well as for control of assets and conflict of interest declarations. Previously he held the positions of Director of the Criminal Bureau and Deputy Director and Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation of the National Police Headquarters in Poland, responsible for fighting organized crime, terrorism and corruption (2005-2009). In 2007 he was seconded to New Scotland Yard in London (UK). Lately, he served as OSCE international advisor/expert on “anticorruption, good governance and law enforcement” for the governments of Ukraine and Armenia. Since June 2016 Pawel has joined the EU HLA Mission to Moldova, serving as HLA on Anti-corruption under the Prime Minister’s Office.

Pawel is an experienced lecturer and trainer on operational and “under cover” activities, graduated from High Police School in Szczytno (Poland), Law Faculty of Bialystok University (Poland) and International Law Enforcement Academy in Roswell (USA).