Iana Pustovaia


Communication and Events Manager
With a Master’s Degree in International Relations, Iana has 14 years of professional experience in strategic communication, being the lead of several large-scale awareness raising campaigns including at national level, high-level events, development and maintenance of public institutions’ and development partners’ web sites, development of numerous information and visibility products.

She started her career as a journalist, and since 2009 has been working for several international development partners’ projects in Moldova, among which UN, World Bank, UNDP, EU, being in charge of communication & awareness raising campaigns in fields like central public administration reform, human rights and gender equality, development aid coordination, youth policies. In 2014, Iana joined the EU High Level Advisers’ Mission as Communication Expert, and since then has been responsible for the overall coordination of communication activities of the project. She also holds a degree in English and German philology.